Sunday, July 27, 2008

Alas, the fellowship has undergone the restructuring.

I really believe that this is a plan given to us by God as we can see the many reasons that we really need to have two ministries now - YA and YF.

In every system, there is imperfection. In every change, there is resentment. Things happen for a reason. Life goes on. We need to continue to press on for God.

The reality of the issue hasn't really set in me yet, but I am sure that once things do, I will really miss my two brothers who have crossed over to the YF ministry to serve. It is projected to be a 5 year long period where they will help train up new Disciple Makers and the future leaders of the YF ministry. I will continue to keep them in prayers.

Through the restructuring, I am now given the opportunity from God to serve as a group leader as well as being a disciple maker. Today the preacher mentioned a very interesting thing that happened to him. He said that someone said that he was very happy of his service because he was the least qualified, which makes him depend on God more for strength and wisdom in his service. I think that it was a good point being made. Sometimes, we rely too much on our own strength. I thank God for humbling me, and I know that I am very limited as a person, but I can do all things through Him who gives me strength. On top of that, He has given me a good leader who continues to help me and good co-workers who provide support for me. I pray that God will continue to use me to help my brothers and sisters, to present everyone mature in Christ.

Well, life is tough. A cliche saying goes like this, "When the going gets tough, the tough gets going". It's time to get going. I believe in God's providence. He is the Jehovah Jireh, and He will provide with the necessary strength and wisdom to pull me through the valleys - the challenges ahead. I praise the Lord for He has continually shown faithfulness to His people, that He will send His angels before us in war, that we are not in this battle alone, that He has provided us with such a great fellowship, great leadership, and great brothers and sisters.

Let's continue to run this race, like one who runs for the prize, being focused on Him and not be distracted by the worldly attractions. Let's press on for Him! ; )

"24Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize." 1 Cor 9:24

"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, 7rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. " Colossians 2 : 6-7


Anonymous said...

hey dude... many things are going to happen because of this restructering and many things in actual fact have already happened... i'm glad that u have reallie grown alot spiritually the past yr, army sure made u seen alot of things ya? =D

the embarkation of the next yr at least i guess is going to be a tough one for u as u suddenly become from 0 D to like 3??(at least) from a listener to a group leader... from ''carefree'' to taking a super hard to take person haha(yes that's mi)... from a free 6 months to starting school... i guess its reallie going to be tough... but press on ya?

for mi i can onli say i hope i wont be too hard a person to take? =D or rather i will reallie try to support u whenever i can la yup... no promises though, see how God leads...

yup actually that's about all i wanna say la haha... just wanna say carry on the good job and ya... press on lo... =D and thanks for everything... =D


ml said...

indeed, He is Jehovah Jireh. Cont to trust in His perfect plan for you. =)