Sunday, August 31, 2008


Rationality... sometimes putting things into perspective is just that important... As sinners... our vision is so limited... peripheral... Peripheral has two meanings... interestingly... the overlap of vision of our two eyes is called peripheral vision... Peripheral can also mean focusing on relatively minor and irrelevant issues... Such a pun... It is indeed accurate to term man for having peripheral vision...

Rationality distinguishes from emotions... Sometimes... you're just so emotionally attached... that you no longer wanna hear the rational side of yourself... And you delve and sink into emotions... and that's where you lose yourself... where negative thinking sets in... where you don't think straight... That little bit of rationality... is so important...

When we are too engrossed at what we have at hand... we tend to forget about the little things in life that can make us happy... In fact... it takes very little to make one happy... isn't it? Rationality puts things into perspective... not drawing focus away from what we need to be focused on...

I pray for the fine balance of rationality vs emotions... something i've been struggling all this while... to be in control of emotions... and to not be void of emotions at times...

Have a blessed week ahead everyone ; )

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